2023-04-26 11:08 Articles

5 Must-Track Metrics for Effective Incident Management

In the realm of incident management, there are a variety of metrics that can be tracked to help improve processes and outcomes. By monitoring and analyzing these metrics, teams can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize their incident response procedures. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common incident management KPIs and how they can be used to enhance incident response efforts

1. Mean Time to Identify (MTTI)

MTTI measures the time it takes for a team to identify an incident once it has occurred. By tracking MTTI, teams can ensure that they are alerted to incidents in a timely manner, which can help minimize the impact of the incident. It is important to establish a baseline MTTI and regularly monitor it to identify trends and potential areas for improvement.

2. Mean Time to Resolve (MTTR)

MTTR measures the time it takes for a team to resolve an incident once it has been identified. This metric is important for measuring the effectiveness of incident response procedures and identifying potential areas for improvement. Teams can use MTTR to set goals for incident resolution times and work to optimize their processes to meet those goals.

3. First Time Fix Rate (FTFR)

FTFR measures the percentage of incidents that are resolved on the first attempt. This metric is important for assessing the efficiency of incident resolution procedures and identifying areas for improvement. Teams can work to improve their FTFR by providing training to team members, optimizing incident response procedures, and ensuring that they have access to the necessary resources.

4. Incident Volume

Incident volume measures the number of incidents that occur within a given time period. This metric can help teams identify trends and patterns in incident occurrence, which can help inform incident response procedures. Teams can also use incident volume to allocate resources and prioritize incident response efforts.

5. Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction measures how satisfied customers are with the incident response process. This metric is important for assessing the overall effectiveness of incident response procedures and identifying areas for improvement. Teams can work to improve customer satisfaction by providing timely and effective incident resolution, communicating clearly with customers, and gathering feedback to inform improvements.


By monitoring and analyzing incident management KPIs, teams can optimize their incident response procedures and improve outcomes. By focusing on metrics such as MTTI, MTTR, FTFR, incident volume, and customer satisfaction, teams can make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their incident management processes.