

Quickly add beautiful free images & pictures from Unsplash to your Confluence pages

Using an Imagine plugin get access directly on the Confluence editor to over 2 million free high-resolution photos from Unsplash brought to you by the world’s most generous community of photographers.
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Users can select photos by keywords, and then immediately add the image they like to the Confluence page, preset the desired photo size.

Images can be searched and inserted on the Confluence page editor as simple:
  • Add Imagine macro to your Confluence page (Type / and then choose Imagine macro).
  • Enter the name of what image you’re looking for.
  • Choose a favorite image from the enormous Unsplash catalog!
After an image is inserted, click the image and move the slider to resize it. You can also position the image relative to the center of the Confluence page using the handy controls.

The Unsplash license assumes that you are free to use these images for commercial and non-commercial purposes. No permission needed (though attribution is appreciated!).
Confluence Cloud