

Previous/next page buttons plugin to easily navigate between Confluence pages.

Navi is a Confluence powerful plugin that helps users quickly move between Confluence pages by clicking on the next/previous buttons.
Navi is a Confluence powerful plugin that helps users quickly move between Confluence pages by clicking on the next/previous buttons.
It makes navigation easy and saves time to surf more Confluence pages very quickly.
Click on the three dots (placed between the arrows of the plugin) to use the form to send us your suggestions for improving the plugin, adding new features, or reporting any difficulties with the plugin.
More details
Navi plugin adds the Previous and Next page buttons at the toolbar of a Confluence document and also displays a user-friendly tooltip menu for quick access to all pages. It makes navigation easy and saves time to surf more Confluence pages very quickly.


  • Use the far left and right buttons to switch between pages on the same level;
  • Use single left and right arrow keys to go to +1 and -1 pages (go through child pages).
Jira Cloud